Birthstones are a very popular and colorful introduction to the world of gemstones. Birthstones carry secrets, attributes and lore that are exclusive to each gemstone. There are countless myths and legends around the many different powers and attributes that birthstones have. Whether or not you believe these legends, it’s hard to disagree that learning about birthstones can be an educational and entertaining experience.

Discover what makes your birthstone a powerful statement of your finest qualities by clicking on the month you were born in below.

Birthstones For Each Month



Garnet, January’s birthstone, is one of the most diverse gemstones, as it comes in an extraordinary range of colors. The garnet birthstone is mined around the world and symbolizes many different positive emotions.

Today, the Garnet birthstone meaning is quite the opposite. This transparent gemstone symbolizes prosperity and happiness. The reason for this is that this lovely gemstone reflects what is happening in your personal life.

What does the Amethyst birthstone represent?

What can the Garnet birthstone be used for?

Garnet meaning in the realm of healing gives this gemstone the moniker “Stone of Health.” Garnet removes and transforms negative energies to strengthen and heal the body and mind. Garnet spiritual healing powers have earned it the additional moniker “Stone of Commitment.”

What chakra is Garnet associated with?

Garnet is believed to be essential in opening the Third Eye Chakra. With its grounding energy, it is thought to improve the focus, creativity, and stamina.



Amethyst, the February birthstone, is the purple variety of quartz and is said to cure drunkenness and make you quick-witted in business. You once had to be rich to own this birthstone for February, but new finds have made it more affordable.

Amethyst is a highly effective healing stone with powerful healing and cleansing properties. Just by being it its presence, you can cleanse your aura, recover faster from illness, and balance all parts of the self (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).

What does the Amethyst birthstone represent?

What can the Amethyst birthstone be used for?

Amethyst possesses a host of powers, including flight, spellcasting, energy manipulation, matter transmutation and can tap other sources of magical energy to amplify her own powers.

What chakra is Amethyst associated with?

The Amethyst crystal properties are deeply connected to the Third Eye Chakra, the center of spirituality and intuition, and the Crown Chakra, the chakra that governs our connection to the universe. These energy centers can be associated with the color purple, which helps to explain why Amethyst crystal is such a powerful stone to balance, open, and activate the third eye and crown chakras.



Aquamarine is one of the two birthstones for March. It evokes blue skies and calming waters.

The March birthstone, Aquamarine, is known as the calming stone, perfect for when there is change ahead. Aquamarine comes from the Latin phrase “aqua marinus,” meaning “water of the sea,” and is a popular choice for engagement rings. The birthstone Aquamarine symbolizes: Peacefulness. Truth and trust.

What does the Aquamarine birthstone represent?

What can the Aquamarine birthstone be used for?

Aquamarine is known to be beneficial for pregnant women because it helps protect mother and baby from harm. It can also protect unborn babies and prevent miscarriages. It is also said to heal sore throats, treat thyroid problems and swollen glands, boost the immune system, and prevent allergic reactions.

What chakra is Aquamarine associated with?

Aquamarine is a “Stone of Courage and Protection”. Used most often with the Throat Chakra to enhance spiritual communication and to clear communication blocks. Aquamarine helps to promote verbal self-expression. Work with Aquamarine to help overcome judgment of others and encourage tolerance.


Bloodstone is one of the two birthstones for March. It represents health and strength.

Today, the Garnet birthstone meaning is quite the opposite. This transparent gemstone symbolizes prosperity and happiness. The reason for this is that this lovely gemstone reflects what is happening in your personal life.

What does the Bloodstone birthstone represent?

What can the Bloodstone birthstone be used for?

Bloodstone benefits blood-rich organs, regulates and supports blood-flow, aids the circulation, reduces the formation of pus and neutralizes PH levels. Bloodstone may be helpful in cases of leukemia, as it supports the blood and removes toxins.

What chakra is Bloodstone associated with?

Bloodstone is largely associated with Heart and Root Chakra. The balanced heart chakra provides harmony and mutual respect amongst relationships. It lets the wearer behave and treat everyone with love and compassion.



Those born in the month of April are lucky enough to call the diamond, a scintillating stone, their birthstone. The April birthstone is also rich in history and can be found in many unique places.

The April birthstone, Diamond, in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the Diamond is called vajra, which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra, the king of gods.

What does the Diamond birthstone represent?

What can the Diamond birthstone be used for?

The April birthstone was even believed to have healing powers. Over the centuries, the Diamond birthstone was thought to be an antidote to poison and provide protection against the plague. Some claim that it is a boon for longevity, strength, beauty and happiness.

What chakra is Diamond associated with?

Diamond Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy. Diamond carries a high-frequency energy that stimulates and opens all of the chakras, especially the Crown and Etheric Chakras.



Emerald is the May birthstone – and it’s a perfect choice. Its enchanting greens mirror the splendor of spring. Few places on earth have the geological conditions needed to produce the coveted May birthstone.

The Emerald is a life-affirming stone and one of infinite patience. It is known as the stone of success, love and represents great loyalty and integrity. May birthstone, Emerald, was one of Cleopatra’s favorite gems. It has long been associated with fertility, rebirth, and love. Ancient Romans went so far as to dedicate this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Today, it is thought that Emeralds signify wisdom, growth, and patience.

What does the Emerald birthstone represent?

What can the Emerald birthstone be used for?

The Emerald has a meaning as a stone that brings luck, improve communication skills. This stone will change color to pale as a warning to the owner if there is something bad will happen. Emerald is a stone of fertility, and abundance.

What chakra is Emerald associated with?

Emerald has many metaphysical properties and is aligned in vibration to the Heart Chakra. It helps to bring balance and equilibrium to all aspects of life, and especially to the emotions. It eliminates negativity and inspires positive actions.



Pearl is one of the three birthstones for June.

The Pearl is a symbol of perfection and incorruptibility; it is a symbol of long life and fertility, and because of its luster it is often considered a MOON symbol.

What does the Pearl birthstone represent?

What can the Pearl birthstone be used for?

Spiritual Meaning of Pearls. The Pearl is a symbol of purity, generosity, loyalty, perfection, spirituality, moon, femininity, beauty, tears, mourning and wisdom accumulated through experience.

What chakra is Pearl associated with?

A Pearl sits just above the stone to complete this elegant seventh chakra jewel. The seventh chakra, also known as the Crown Chakra, is symbolized by a lotus flower with a thousand petals that resemble a crown.


Alexandrite is one of the three birthstones for June.

Alexandrite opens intuition and metaphysical abilities. It creates a strong will and personal magnetism. Alexandrite is a symbol of royal power and acts as an efficient guardian stone. Alexandrite is a useful spiritual purifier and renewal stone.

What does the Alexandrite birthstone represent?

What can the Alexandrite birthstone be used for?

Alexandrite has been used for crystal healing since its discovery. Overall, the gemstone is believed to bring good fortune to its owner and help enhance self-esteem. It has been used for healing inner ear problems, clearing the lymph system, and for disorders related to the blood and circulatory system in general.

What chakra is Alexandrite associated with?

Alexandrite is a stone that holds great balancing properties that harmonize your physical self with your emotional and spiritual being. The stone is known to work with your Crown Chakra in order to initiate a process of emotional healing by leading you to the energies of love and healing.


Moonstone is one of the three birthstones for June

The Moonstone crystal meaning is also associated with the inner goddess, a symbol of fertility and sensuality. The life-giving feminine figure is an empowering visualization that helps to unlock the inner goddess that exists deep within your spirit.

What does the Moonstone birthstone represent?

What can the Moonstone birthstone be used for?

The powers of the Moonstone are deeply linked to the moon itself, focusing on love, fertility, good fortune and protection during dark times. This ancient gemstone has been in use for thousands of years all over the world.

What chakra is Moonstone associated with?

Moonstone is a stone for general overall wellbeing. The Moonstone helps to balance the Heart Chakra with the Third Eye Chakra. It controls our ability to love, have joy, and inner peace.



Ruby, the king of precious gems represents passion, love and success.

Ruby is a stone of Divine creativity. It boosts your energy levels and promotes high self-esteem, intuition, and spiritual wisdom. Ruby is a symbol of good fortune, pure love, and loyalty. As an aphrodisiac stone, it brings vigor into your life.

What does the Ruby birthstone represent?

What can the Ruby birthstone be used for?

Ruby is also known as the stone of courage, and legend tells us that a person possessing a ruby can walk through life without fear of evil or misfortune. Physically, rubies are thought to energize and balance, stimulate Heart Chakra and encourage a passion for life, but never in a self-destructive way.

What chakra is Ruby associated with?

Ruby is commonly identified with the Root Chakra due to its reddish hues but is also can be used quite effectively to energetically stimulate the heart chakra. Ruby can be used to shore up any leakages occurring in the chakra system.



Peridot is one of the three birthstones for August.

Known as the stone of compassion, Peridot is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. This friendly bright green stone also has the uncanny ability to inspire eloquence and creativity; it also brings delight and good cheer.

What does the Peridot birthstone represent?

What can the Garnet birthstone be used for?

Green is the color associated with abundance, so Peridot helps attract abundance while keeping one’s heart open and joyful. The wisdom of Peridot is about attracting wealth with joy and by following one’s true calling, rather than with hard work and persistence. Peridot can also: Promote the energy of protection.

What chakra is Peridot associated with?

Peridot crystals can be used to stimulate the Solar Plexus (part of the nervous system that helps our organs to function) and to also rebalance the heart. In Indian tradition, this gemstone relates to the fourth chakra – the Heart Chakra.


Spinel is one of the three birthstones for August.

Spinel is a high energy stone, used to lend the body energy and to heal physical energy blockages. This beautiful gemstone has a calming effect on all types of physical inflammations, even neuritis and it’s symptoms are told to benefit from using Spinel.

What does the Spinel birthstone represent?

What can the Spinel birthstone be used for?

The only significant use of Spinel is as a gemstone. However, in that use it is spectacular. Spinel excels in color, luster, hardness, and durability. It is appropriate for almost any use in jewelry.

What chakra is Spinel associated with?

Spinel will open and align your Heart Chakra, and it will encourage kindness, compassion, and love in you. This stone will also strengthen your intuition and bring a balance to your emotions. It will boost your creativity and give you mental clarity.


Sardonyx is one of the three birthstones for August.

Sardonyx is a stone that is known for both its physical and metaphysical properties. Recognized as an embodiment of happiness, there are several ways in which you can use this stone and incorporate its benefits into your life.

What does the Sardonyx birthstone represent?

What can the Sardonyx birthstone be used for?

Sardonyx stones are mainly used for healing purposes due to the protective energies emanated from them. It is a stone that will help immensely to bring some order into your life. For times when you experience a loss of willpower and cannot find the motivation to work towards a goal, Sardonyx crystals will help you regain some direction in life.

What chakra is Sardonyx associated with?

This powerful stone encourages them and gives them strength to accomplish their goals and find happiness. In meditation, the Sardonyx unfolds its best powers on the Throat Chakra, the Root Chakra, and through the forehead.



Sapphire, the September birthstone comes in all the colors of the rainbow – except red.

Sapphire Birthstone Meaning September is the month of Sapphire, a stone said to instill wisdom, loyalty and nobility. While traditional sapphires are blue, the gem occurs in all colors of the rainbow, except red. The stone has been popular since the Middle Ages.

What does the Sapphire birthstone represent?

What can the Sapphire birthstone be used for?

As a classic divine blue stone, Blue Sapphire stone meaning is always associated with wisdom, spirituality and dignity.

What chakra is Sapphire associated with?

Blue Sapphire is a Throat Chakra gemstone, Yellow Sapphire is a solar plexus gemstone, Black Sapphire is a base chakra gemstone, Pink Sapphire is a heart chakra gemstone, White Sapphire is a crown chakra gemstone, Indigo Sapphire is a third eye chakra gemstone, Green Sapphire is a heart chakra gemstone.



Opal is one of the two birthstones for October. It is known for their endless color combinations and are believed to have been created from rainbows.

Traditionally, the Opal is considered to be the birthstone for October and is believed to bring luck, health and love to its wearer. To astrologists, the stone represents the star sign of Libra, symbolizing sincerity and purity.

What does the Opal birthstone represent?

What can the Opal birthstone be used for?

Opal has many physical healing properties. They are said to reduce fevers, treat infections, regulate insulin and reduce headaches. It is said to ease the pain of childbirth and PMS. Opals have great healing powers over your eyes, eyesight, and any disease of the eye.

What chakra is Opal associated with?

The Andean Opal is used to activate the Heart and Throat Chakras. The restoration of the Heart Chakra promotes peace and love while the Throat Chakra helps with communication. Another example includes the fiery Ethiopian opal. This version is used to restore the base and Sacral Chakras.


Tourmaline is one of the two birthstones for October. It is known for their endless color combinations and are believed to have been created from rainbows.

The Black Tourmaline crystal healing properties are most well-known for protection-related intentions. By shielding your energy in a bubble of protection, the Black Tourmaline crystal meaning can ward off unwanted energy and low vibrations that come from other people, places, or even situations.

What does the Tourmaline birthstone represent?

What can the Tourmaline birthstone be used for?

Red Tourmaline possesses the most powerful magical force, as it brings happiness in love to men, boosts their energy and strengthens their potency. Crimson Tourmaline is a talisman for artists, as it activates their creative power. Green Tourmaline absorbs excessive energy, calms nervous system.

What chakra is Tourmaline associated with?

Tourmaline is a feel-good stone that brings love, humor, and fun. It also lifts emotions and improves the connection to the higher self. It lessens nervousness. This stone is associated with the Heart Chakra.



Topaz is known for their calming energies and can be found around the world.

Topaz stone meaning is symbolizing elegance. Topaz is a superb crystal for meditation, bringing the mind, body, and spirit into union with the forces of the universe. It enhances relaxation, creates lightness of spirit, and stimulates feelings of peace.

What does the Topaz birthstone represent?

What can the Topaz birthstone be used for?

Topaz is a stone of love and good fortune and is highly effective for bringing successful attainment of goals. It is great for attracting the right person into one’s life, for friendship, love or business, or to improve existing relationships.

What chakra is Topaz associated with?

Blue Topaz is related to the Thymus (Second Heart), Throat and Third-Eye Chakras, and helps to attune to higher realms. Blue Topaz aids in the expression of thoughts and feelings.


Citrine is one of the two birthstones for November. It is fairly abundant making it affordably priced.

Citrine also represents spiritual joy since it spreads positive, energetic light around its aura and is said to be one of only two crystals which do not need to be recharged or purified.

What does the Citrine birthstone represent?

What can the Citrine birthstone be used for?

The spiritual meaning of Citrine is its yellow hues symbolizing the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation. Like a refreshing glass of lemonade, Citrine can bring a quick, energetic pick-me-up to those who use it with diligence and respect. Keeping this in mind, you can use it as an excellent tool to bring positive energies to areas where you might have or suspect to have negative energies, spirits, or even ghosts.

What chakra is Citrine associated with?

Citrine’s bright and happy energy fills your spirit with positivity and the highest vibrations, clearing any blockages or imbalances in your Solar Plexus Chakra with its sunny energy. This makes a Citrine crystal ideal for a variety of intentions, including happiness, confidence, and manifestation.



Turquoise is one of the three birthstones for December. December birthstones are mined around the world and all have their own unique take on the color blue, allowing you to choose the birthstone that best fits your style. Learn more about their history and where they can be found.

Turquoise was associated with connections to the spiritual world, psychic sensitivity, and protection from harm and negative energy. The Turquoise gemstone is the symbol of friendship and brings peace to the home and good fortune to the owner.

What does the Turquoise birthstone represent?

What can the Turquoise birthstone be used for?

Turquoise radiates the peace, calm and tranquility of blue and the balance and growth of green with the uplifting energy of yellow. It is believed to provide not only protection from any negativity, but also a clear connection to the purity of natural elements, especially water and air.

What chakra is Turquoise associated with?

Healers associate the healing powers of Turquoise primarily with the Throat Chakra. This Chakra is the center of communication, creativity, serenity and spiritual bonding. Turquoise can also benefit the operation of the Heart Chakra by opening it up for giving and receiving love.


Tanzanite is one of the three birthstones for December.

Tanzanite is commonly believed to facilitate a higher consciousness and stimulate intuition and perception. Some believe that it aids in detoxifying the body and improving vitality. It is said to be a good stone to wear or have near in situations where you need a calming and soothing presence.

What does the Tanzanite birthstone represent?

What can the Tanzanite birthstone be used for?

This gorgeous blue-purple gemstone is linked to various positive and mystical attributes. It is believed that Tanzanites have the power to transform negative thoughts and energies into positive ones.

What chakra is Tanzanite associated with?

Tanzanite stimulates the Throat Chakra, third-eye chakra, and crown chakra. It activates our psychic abilities and vibratory rate, facilitating communication with the higher spiritual dimensions. Tanzanite is a stone of transformation that can help dissolve old patterns of disease and karma.


Zircon is one of the three birthstones for December.

Zircon Crystal is a very popular and bright gemstone used for its spiritual and physical healing properties. It represents happiness, prosperity, chastity, positive energy, honor, purity, and spiritual protection. It is associated with all the chakras and can combine their strengths by aligning them.

What does the Zircon birthstone represent?

What can the Zircon birthstone be used for?

It is believed that Zircon gems is beneficial for wearer wealth, wisdom and also give love and happiness. It is also considered for wearer to maintain shine of gem because if it fades its power shows negative effect.

What chakra is Zircon associated with?

Zircon is believed to stimulate the Root Chakra and Sacral Chakra. It is believed as a spiritual stone that makes the wearer be grounded and stimulates the movement of sluggish energy